
Monday Oct 11, 2021
EP. 59: Your past doesn’t define who you are today | Liv
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
This week I chatted with Liv who is an ex-evangelical who opens up about how she grew from her past perceptions of the world and gained a new perspective and outlook on life.
This conversation is something a lot of us will be able to relate to, we discussing shame or guilt we can feel for past actions or thoughts, how community is a very powerful tool and sometimes removing yourself from yours is the only way you can understand who you truly are.
I hope you listen to this discussion with an open mind, reflect on yourself and leave knowing you’re not alone in your growth journey.
Follow Liv on IG: @livcauliflower
Check out Think Ladder here: @thinkladder
If you do this week's challenge please be sure to let us both know: @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Thursday Sep 16, 2021
EP. 58 Moving through the sh*t, to become an “overnight success” | Darcy Keely
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
This week I chatted with Darcy Keely founder of Hairy Original a clothing brand and creative movement that focuses on colour, comfort and community all while trying to give back to creatives.
Darcy’s story is one familiar to many of us as Millennials, and showcases the up and downs of our 20s - it really do be bumpy out here.
We discuss how he went from being kicked out of his studio apartment & university, couch surfing, to getting a “legitimate” corporate job and realising a “prestigious”, “stable” job at a “big name” company wasn’t for him.
This chat is super candid and I know so many of you will relate and take inspiration from his story, in particular, if you are feeling stuck in where you are right now and need a little kick to go back to doing something you used to love & have recently lost.
Follow Darcy on IG & TikTok: @hairyoriginals
If you do this weeks challenge please be sure to let us both know: @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
EP 57. It’s ok to be 3 Dimensional | Elouise Eftos
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
This week I chat with Elouise Eftos, Australia’s first Attractive comedian. You may know her from one of her many viral videos online including her recent Mandy one of the rich mums from the St Josephs scandal or her re-enactment of the Melbourne Hotel Quarantine fuck up… But Elouise is more than just a comedian who makes videos online.
This episode we talk about the struggles of being a multihyphenate creative, not wanting to be put in a box and wanting to dip your toe into many different ponds, we discuss the struggles women in comedy face and why people have such an issue with confident women through the persona she has on stage, as well as what it’s like to have an ethnic background and have a LOUD career.
This is such an amazing conversation especially for any women who feel they are held back from the judgment they experience not only from society but from their family/community, this is a real and raw conversation about the back and forth pull we have with ourselves about the values we grew up with and the people we are becoming.
I hope this episode encourages you to get one step closer to exploring things you’ve always wanted to.
Follow Elouise on IG: @weezasqueeza
If you do this week's challenge please be sure to let us both know, slide right into our DM’s I want to know what number you are! @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
EP 56. The importance of being authentically you | Dane
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
This week I chat with Dane, a Content Marketer who moved to Melbourne from the UK. Dane’s story is a roller coaster ride and shows how just because you choose to live life authentically doesn’t mean things are going to be easy.
Dane shares his story of transitioning from female to male, how he ended up living in a glamping tent during lockdown and how in his 30s he has began to come into his own and that it’s never too late to make a change.
He will inspire you to be unapologetically yourself, push through the hardships and reflect on who you currently are and who you want to be.
Follow Dane on IG: @dane_dicaprio
If you do this weeks challenge please be sure to let us both know, slide right into our DM’s I want to know what number you are! @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Thursday Aug 05, 2021
EP 55. The art of DOING | Flex Mami
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
Thursday Aug 05, 2021
This week I chat with Lil Ahenkan but you may know her as Flex Mami. She is a Best Selling Author, DJ, Podcaster, TV Host oh and founder of Flex Factory and now Future Group Chat.
This woman is a doer through and through and let me tell you her journey to getting to where she is right now takes; work, experimentation, self-discovery & a whole lot of self-belief!
In today's episode we discuss Flex’s perspective on life, understanding that nobody is responsible for you but you and you need to take accountability for who you are and where you want to go as well as her love-hate relationship with social media and how she became the queen of cultivating community through conversation online.
I can’t wait for you to hear this episode, she’s hilarious, full of wisdom and is going to give you a big kick up the a$$ to start DOING!!
Follow Lil on IG: @flex.mami
If you’re intrigued by Flex’s conversations and are looking for an online community to participate in critical thinking discussions check out her new platform on IG: @futuregroupchat
Buy Flex’s book “The Success Experiment” here.
If you do this week's challenge please be sure to let us both know, slide right into our DM’s I want to know what number you are! @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
EP 54. Getting comfortable with not being perfect | Funny Business
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
This week I chat with Rob Hicks & Lach Bradford founders of Wellbeings Group & hosts of the Funny Business Podcast.
In today’s episode, I chat with the boys about their journey to getting the podcast off the ground and how they have changed their lives and their business so drastically over the past year.
We touch on starting before something is “perfect”, being authentically yourself, self-awareness and the importance it plays in long-term success and the importance of jumping off the deep end..even when you feel you’re not ready.
This episode will get you out of being stuck in your head and get you taking action.
Follow the boys on IG: @funnybusiness_au
Listen to the podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/6QcCOelVnfRRXVF1s477GS?si=PQecB6hiQO-3Ry0QGNyjZg&nd=1
If you do this week's challenge please be sure to let me and the boys know, send us a message or tag us on socials of your experience!
Let me know how you go with this weeks challenge @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
EP 53.The Snowball Effect | Nikita Crump
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
This week I chat with Nikita Crump TikToker, lover of the outdoors and now microvan builder.
In today’s episode, I chat with Nikita about her decision to live in her Honda Civic, what got her to that point and all of the lessons she has learnt along the way.
This episode really is about trusting yourself, living life by your own terms and having the courage to take small steps into living like the way you’d like to. I can’t wait for you to listen!
Follow Nikita on IG: @nikitacrump
If you do this weeks challenge please be sure to let me and Nikita know, we’d love to hear how you went!
Let me know how you go with this weeks challenge @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Thursday Jul 15, 2021
EP. 52: It's all about the journey | Ryan Cheng
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
Thursday Jul 15, 2021
This week I chat with Ryan Cheng friend of the show & a professional storyteller! In today’s episode, myself & Ryan reflect on our career journeys, the ups & downs, setbacks & things that lead us to where we are now.
This episode really is a chat between friends, looking at lessons learnt, how things never really turn out the way you expect and realising the key to success really is small consistent steps in the direction you want to go.
Ryan shares some brilliant advice and if you haven’t listened to our chats in Seasons 1 & 2 I recommend going back & taking a listen.
Follow Ryan on IG: @ryannismyname
Connect with Ryan on LinkedIn & please share this week's challenge with us!
Let me know how you go with this weeks challenge @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
EP 51. Choosing your mental health over external success | Jenny Tian
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
This week I chat with comedian & creator Jenny Tian.
We discuss how Jenny quit a prestigious consultancy job at a Big 4 firm, despite her career trajectory being on the up and up the stress, mental strain and lifestyle imbalnance she faced in that career lead her to re-evaluate what she really wanted out of life.
Jenny started working for her mum 4 days a week and pursuing her passion for comedy, acting & all things creative! We discuss the ups and downs of her journey, how outsiders/friends & family perceived her new life decisions and how ultimately balance and fulfilment is what she is searching for.
If you do this weeks challenge please be sure to share it with us @themillennialcrisis or connect with Jenny & let her know how you went!
Follow Jenny on IG:
Tiktok: @nomnomjenny
Insta: @_jennytian
Register for our next event: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
EP. 50 Your career isn’t supposed to be linear | Matthew Waugh
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
This week I chat with founder, father, firey, and hobby farmer Matthew Waugh.
We discuss Matt’s not-so-linear career journey, from working at Channel 9, to playing football abroad, becoming a tech founder all the way to packing boxes in a warehouse.
This conversation really showcases how trying different things and dipping your toes in a lot of different career pools can be a real asset. One thing you will learn from Matt's story is the importance of pushing your boundaries and building relationships with people.
If you try this weeks challenge please send me your results on IG @themillennialcrisis or DM me @demikotsoris
Connect with Matt on LinkedIn Mathew Waugh
Learn more about Matt’s work here: