
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Ep. 69 Your experience matters, and it’s valid
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Sabina McKenna is an Australian curator and writer of Nigerian-Irish Heritage. She is the creator of The Where Are You From? project, a photojournalistic series about cultural identity.
Where are you from? has achieved local and international acclaim, with features in press publications that include ABC TV, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, Frankie Magazine, iD UK and so many more.
Today's episode we have a very open conversation about race, micro aggressions, and although we all want to show up in the world in a similar way, some of us are met with different reactions and responses.
I want you to listen to this episode openly, and reflect on your own experience and your own actions. None of us are perfect, we are all learning and going as people that's exactly what this podcast and space is about. But accountability is super important, so once we know better we can do better.
I loved my conversation with Sabina and am so grateful for her and the incredible work she is doing at "Where are you from", so please go and support her and her project! Please lets us know how you go with this weeks challenge both Sabina and I would love to hear about it so use the links below to either tag us in a post or DM us your experience!
Connect with Sabina & WAYF here:

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
EP. 68 How to do what you love | Kalle
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Today’s episode I chat with a Youtuber, content creator, film maker extrodainare who gave up city life to live in a cabin in the middle of well… no where the north of Sweden.
He’s name is Kalle, and he is the prime definition of living life on your own terms. We talk through his journey of building a life he always dreamed of, and if you listen to the podcast it won’t come as a shock to you that it wasn’t easy to do & it’s still not always sunshine and roses.
Kalle, is a real inspiration and shared a wealth of wisdom about really saying f*ck it, taking some what calculated risk and trying something different. He talks through his 7+ year long journey to get to where he is today and the reality of what life looks like.
This episode is perfect if you’re sitting in a job that is sucking the life out of you, and you need some Inso to shake things up, Kalle is surely going to share something that will motivate you to take a step forward!
Challenge: Take out some time in your day, sit down and grab a pen and paper. I want you to really think about this.
Step 1: Write down, if you were to die right now, what ideas, thoughts and dreams would die with you?
Step 2: What is REALLY stopping you from doing this? And is there a small first step you can take to do some of these things?
Follow Kalle:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KalleFlodin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kalleflodin/
If you do this weeks challenge share it on socials and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
Check out our upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Join our FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Ep 67: The importance of being yourself | Hui Min
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
This week I chat with somebody who self-identifies as an introvert but when she walks in a room she makes a statement!
Hui Min who was born in Singapore is a Digital Content Specialist at Vush a sexual wellness brand, who loves emo music and rocks her green hair.
Although what you wear, or how you present yourself shouldn’t be an issue today - hello it’s 2022. It often still is, and it takes guts to be authentically you, no matter what that looks like to you.
In today's episode we discuss how Hui Min became unapologetically who she is - a deadset legend, what her life looked like when she tried to fit in and her experience building a career for herself in a completely new country.
Hui Min is such an incredible person, she inspired me throughout this entire episode and I can’t wait for you to listen to this conversation - it’s a goodie.
Challenge: Hui Min is a designer so she wanted to set a design challenge from the book Design in theory and practice by Ernest A. Batchelder.
You have to draw a cat but only using straight lines. Do it with a friend, or draw one and please DM us or tag us in the photo. It showcases how different people think and use their minds/creativity! I think it will be super fun to see how everyone goes with this.
Connect with Hui Min: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hui-min-chung-7050a316a/
If you do this weeks challenge share it on socials and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
Check out our upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Join our FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Ep 66: Why you need to make up your own rules | Josh Howard
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Today’s guest is the founder of a brand with not only a purpose but a personality!
The brand is Single Use Ain’t Sexy and the man is Josh Howard, in this episode we talk about how Josh had the confidence and conviction to build a disruptive brand and do it his own way.
This episode showcases the importance of throwing sh*t at the wall and seeing what sticks, not being afraid to be yourself and a reminder that careers are long, windy and go through plenty of ups and downs.
It’s the perfect episode if you’re wanting to explore what having a brand and being a business owner looks like & if you need a bit of confidence in following your instincts and doing things your way!
Challenge: Think of 3 things you're really good at write them down & think about how you can incorporate those things more into your life!
Check out Single Use Ain't Sexy here: https://www.singleuseaintsexy.com/
Follow them on IG here: https://www.instagram.com/singleuseaintsexy/?hl=en
Connect with Josh: https://www.linkedin.com/in/josh-howard-9440746b/
If you do this weeks challenge share it on socials and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
Check out our upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Join our FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Ep 65. Leveraging your uniqueness when building a career | Jordan Lomax
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
This week I chatted with Jordan Lomax, an experienced Digital Marketing Manager & graphic designer. She has worked with brands including Spotify, Shopbop & General Assembly.
During my chat with Jordan we discussed how embracing who she is and what makes her unique has allowed her to have a flourishing and diverse career. From working as a freelancer, growing her own business, raising capital for a platform she co-founded and teaching workshops.
This is a brilliant episode for anybody who needs a little kick of confidence and inspiration that it is OK to experiment with your career and important to embrace who you are and leverage your networks!
Connect with Jordan:
Linkedin. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordanlomax/
GA Upcoming: https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/jordan-lomax/16601
The Social Lab! https://www.thesociallab.co/
Jordan's Challenge: Every conversation you have this week as them Q’s about themselves make a note of their answer either mental or written somewhere, then reflect that back to them next time you see them & see what happens.
If you do this weeks challenge share it on social and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
Check out our upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Join our FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
EP 64. Not every freelancer is the same | Ryan Cheng
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
This week I chatted with my friend and friend of the podcast Ryan Cheng, who is our only re-occurring guest so if you haven't listened to any of our other episodes with Ryan go back to Season 1 and have a li'l listen!
Ryan & I chat about our semi-new lives as "freelancers", although both of us have done the "freelance" life before and actually started our careers there, and then converted to a more traditional 9-5 life until covid hit and we found ourselves back on the freelance grind.
We discuss our journey of understanding what working for yourself looks like to us, how each person's journey is different and why life is now more important to us than work. As recovering hustle vultures this is BIG 😂.
Ep 65. Challenge: Take time to reflect and write down what kind of lifestyle goals or ideal life you want to live and see how you can find work that fits that + bonus if a call to action comes out of that take the first step & DO IT!
If you do this week's challenge share it on socials and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
Check out our upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Join our FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
EP. 63: How fear and scarcity keep us stuck | Sarah Hawley
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
This week I chatted with Sarah Hawley, founder of Growmotely, mother, entrepreneur, alternative life liver & dead set legend.
In this episode we discuss how she has lead so many lives over her time, from career changes to personal relationship growth and mindset. If you’re feeling stuck in the way your life is currently going this episode is sure to give you the inspo you need to embrace change and not be afraid to experiment even when other people don’t understand it.
Challenge: Take time to ask yourself what am I afraid of right now?
Either take a conscious 15-30min out of your day (phone free to do it) or ask yourself the question everyday for 7-days.
Here’s a TedTalk by Tim Ferris on Fear Setting - A technique Demi has used in the past to do this exact exercise: https://www.ted.com/talks/tim_ferriss_why_you_should_define_your_fears_instead_of_your_goals?language=en
Check out Growmotely: https://republic.com/growmotely
Connect with Sarah: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahriegelhuth/
If you do this weeks challenge share it on socials and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
Check out our upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Join our FB Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
EP. 62 What’s to come in 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Hey fam!
Welcome to the intro episode of Season 4 of the Millennial Crisis podcast 🙌
In this episode our host Demi Kotsoris, talks through the season that was, her life updates and what you can expect for Season 4 of the podcast as well as the future of Millennial Crisis as a community 🙏
We can't wait for you to listen. If you do enjoy the episode please do give it a rating it helps us continue to bring on amazing guests & is a really big help 🥰
For more:
Upcoming events: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/events
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themillennialcrisis/
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532/
Get involved in the community/sponsor us: https://www.themillennialcrisis.com/get-involved

Thursday Dec 16, 2021
EP 61. Feeling out of place | Clara Escoms
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
Thursday Dec 16, 2021
This week I chatted with Clara a Brand Strategist living her best life in Bali, but her life didn’t always look like this. Clara originally from Spain was a listener of the podcast and had the exact same feeling that many of us have.
You know, lost, confused as to why our lives are miserable and feeling overworked. And one day she decided to pursue a dream, she knew it was going to take some time but what did she have to lose? And what was the alternative?
In this episode Clara shares her journey to becoming a digital nomad, it is real, honest, and tells you exactly what you’re in for when it comes to changing things up. She’s honestly one of the most down-to-earth and knowledge-filled guests I’ve had on the podcast so I hope you enjoy listening to this ep as much as I enjoyed making it.
Follow Clara on Tiktok: @claraescoms
IG: @escoms

Thursday Nov 11, 2021
EP. 60 Tiny Homes & living by your own rules | Jesse Mackenzie
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
This week I chatted with Jesse MacKenzie who lives and builds tiny homes, giving us a look into how he went from a "conventional" to an "unconventional" way of living.
This conversation should act as a reminder that nobody is born/or destined to live a certain lifestyle and it is a journey to discover what you want to do and how you want to live your life.
I hope this conversation inspires you to explore your curiosities, connect with new people and ideas.
Follow Jesse on IG: @moving._.castles
If you do this weeks challenge please be sure to let us both know: @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532