
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
EP. 58 Moving through the sh*t, to become an “overnight success” | Darcy Keely
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
This week I chatted with Darcy Keely founder of Hairy Original a clothing brand and creative movement that focuses on colour, comfort and community all while trying to give back to creatives.
Darcy’s story is one familiar to many of us as Millennials, and showcases the up and downs of our 20s - it really do be bumpy out here.
We discuss how he went from being kicked out of his studio apartment & university, couch surfing, to getting a “legitimate” corporate job and realising a “prestigious”, “stable” job at a “big name” company wasn’t for him.
This chat is super candid and I know so many of you will relate and take inspiration from his story, in particular, if you are feeling stuck in where you are right now and need a little kick to go back to doing something you used to love & have recently lost.
Follow Darcy on IG & TikTok: @hairyoriginals
If you do this weeks challenge please be sure to let us both know: @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
Join our private Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/844800039494532