
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
EP. 68 How to do what you love | Kalle
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Today’s episode I chat with a Youtuber, content creator, film maker extrodainare who gave up city life to live in a cabin in the middle of well… no where the north of Sweden.
He’s name is Kalle, and he is the prime definition of living life on your own terms. We talk through his journey of building a life he always dreamed of, and if you listen to the podcast it won’t come as a shock to you that it wasn’t easy to do & it’s still not always sunshine and roses.
Kalle, is a real inspiration and shared a wealth of wisdom about really saying f*ck it, taking some what calculated risk and trying something different. He talks through his 7+ year long journey to get to where he is today and the reality of what life looks like.
This episode is perfect if you’re sitting in a job that is sucking the life out of you, and you need some Inso to shake things up, Kalle is surely going to share something that will motivate you to take a step forward!
Challenge: Take out some time in your day, sit down and grab a pen and paper. I want you to really think about this.
Step 1: Write down, if you were to die right now, what ideas, thoughts and dreams would die with you?
Step 2: What is REALLY stopping you from doing this? And is there a small first step you can take to do some of these things?
Follow Kalle:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KalleFlodin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kalleflodin/
If you do this weeks challenge share it on socials and tag us or shoot us a DM about how you went: @themillennialcrisis
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