
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
EP 57. It’s ok to be 3 Dimensional | Elouise Eftos
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
This week I chat with Elouise Eftos, Australia’s first Attractive comedian. You may know her from one of her many viral videos online including her recent Mandy one of the rich mums from the St Josephs scandal or her re-enactment of the Melbourne Hotel Quarantine fuck up… But Elouise is more than just a comedian who makes videos online.
This episode we talk about the struggles of being a multihyphenate creative, not wanting to be put in a box and wanting to dip your toe into many different ponds, we discuss the struggles women in comedy face and why people have such an issue with confident women through the persona she has on stage, as well as what it’s like to have an ethnic background and have a LOUD career.
This is such an amazing conversation especially for any women who feel they are held back from the judgment they experience not only from society but from their family/community, this is a real and raw conversation about the back and forth pull we have with ourselves about the values we grew up with and the people we are becoming.
I hope this episode encourages you to get one step closer to exploring things you’ve always wanted to.
Follow Elouise on IG: @weezasqueeza
If you do this week's challenge please be sure to let us both know, slide right into our DM’s I want to know what number you are! @themillennialcrisis or @demikotsoris
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