
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
EP. 50 Your career isn’t supposed to be linear | Matthew Waugh
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
This week I chat with founder, father, firey, and hobby farmer Matthew Waugh.
We discuss Matt’s not-so-linear career journey, from working at Channel 9, to playing football abroad, becoming a tech founder all the way to packing boxes in a warehouse.
This conversation really showcases how trying different things and dipping your toes in a lot of different career pools can be a real asset. One thing you will learn from Matt's story is the importance of pushing your boundaries and building relationships with people.
If you try this weeks challenge please send me your results on IG @themillennialcrisis or DM me @demikotsoris
Connect with Matt on LinkedIn Mathew Waugh
Learn more about Matt’s work here: