
Monday Feb 22, 2021
EP 42. Why it's not weird to explore solo | Ben Kielesinski
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
This week I chat with Ben Kielesinski who is the owner of clothing brand Wildly Apparel, as well as a creative who has recently blown up on Tiktok with his incredibly adventurous solo exploration videos.
Today we talk about how exploring your curiosities, doing things you love for the sake of it and being ok with doing things solo play such a crucial role in true success and self-assurance.
I hope this episode encourages you to take a small step into doing sh*t that sparks you, worrying a little less about what others think and getting one step closer to shutting the screens off and getting outside.
Follow Ben on IG @benjaminkielesinski & Tiktok @benkielesinski also check out @wildlyapparel